Innocence of Children

Protecting the Innocence of Children

Human DignityImage of God

The love Jesus carried for children during His time on earth was deep and meaningful. He embraced them, blessed them, and warned against causing them harm. In a culture that often dismissed the youngest among us, Jesus’ actions were both countercultural and revolutionary. Today, as His followers, we carry the same responsibility—to value, protect, and honor the lives of children. This responsibility is especially urgent in a world where innocence is too often exploited, even within places that should be sanctuaries of safety, like the church. 

In the ancient Greco-Roman world, children were often treated as property, without rights or voice. They were vulnerable to abuse, abandonment, and exploitation. Into this harsh reality, Jesus brought a radically different perspective. He welcomed children, valued their presence, and honored their inherent dignity. His command to His disciples, “Let the little children come to me,” was a declaration that children are seen, heard, and valued by God. 

Jesus’ interactions are obviously heartwarming and inspiring stories, but they are also a model for how we are to treat young lives. We are called to treat the young like Jesus did. He called His followers to see children not as inconveniences but as examples of faith and trust. His warnings about causing a child to stumble underscore the seriousness with which we should guard their innocence (Matthew 18:5-6). In these actions, Jesus showed that protecting children is central to the mission of His kingdom. 

A Call to Protect 

As Christians, we must be vigilant in safeguarding the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of children. This protection begins with acknowledging the reality of abuse and neglect, even within the church. It is a sobering truth that abuse can and has occurred within places meant to reflect God’s love. For the church to be a true refuge, it must confront this issue head-on, taking every measure to create safe environments for young lives. 

Protecting children means more than shielding them from immediate harm. It involves fostering communities where their worth is affirmed, their voices are heard, and their innocence is honored. This requires intentional action—implementing strict thorough protection policies, conducting thorough background checks, and ensuring transparency and accountability at all levels of church leadership. 

Honoring and Advocating for Children 

To honor children is to see them as God sees them—image bearers with unique value and purpose. This view compels us to speak up for their needs and advocate for their protection. The early church modeled this beautifully, rescuing abandoned children, providing homes, and standing against societal practices that harmed the young. Their example challenges us to do the same in our modern context. 

Honoring children means prioritizing their safety over convenience or reputation. It means that churches must be places where abuse is not merely verbally condemned, but actively prevented. It calls for a commitment to education, training, and a willingness to listen to survivors. This isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being faithful stewards of the lives entrusted to our care. 

Creating Safe Spaces 

Creating safe spaces for children starts within our own congregations. Churches should be the first to set the standard for child protection, demonstrating what it means to truly value and care for young lives. This includes establishing environments where children can grow, learn, and thrive without fear. It also means equipping parents and caregivers with the resources and support they need to nurture and protect their families. 

This work is ongoing. It is not a one-time effort but a continual commitment to doing what is right and just. As we honor Christ’s teachings, we must ensure that our actions align with His heart for children. This involves advocating for policies that protect children, supporting those who care for them, and being present in their lives in meaningful ways. 

The Church’s Commitment 

May the Church’s love for children be an act of obedience and worship to God. Our commitment to honor and protect children is a witness to the world of the who Jesus is and what the Kingdom is like. By taking seriously our responsibility to guard the innocence of children, we reflect the heart of Christ. This commitment requires courage, humility, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. 

The journey may be difficult, and the steps may sometimes feel small, but each act of care and protection is a testament to the value God places on every child. Let us strive to be communities where children are cherished, where their innocence is respected, and where they can encounter the love of Christ in every interaction. 

The call is clear: protect the innocence of children, honor their lives, and be relentless in our efforts to create spaces where they can flourish. As we do, we fulfill not just a moral duty but a sacred trust, embodying the teachings of Jesus in every effort to keep young lives safe. 

This article goes along with the Image of God in Children section of our study. Join us as we walk through our Image of God study over the next couple of months! 

Access the study for free here!