Take The PledgePledge


Small Group Curriculum

Image of God

What is Life? What is a Person? How do we demonstrate love and care toward everyone, including the outcasts, the vulnerable, and the unseen among us?


Image of God: Adults

Many of us share a desire to see life respected and safeguarded. However, it can be difficult to know how to effectively communicate the value of life and take action. Our curriculum aims to provide clarity and inspiration as we work together to stand for life.
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La Imagen de Dios

La Imagen de Dios

De la imago Dei surge el concepto de que cada persona, independientemente de su productividad, su posición social o sus talentos, tiene importancia y valor intrínseco. Cada uno es distinto y valioso por el inmensurable valor de Aquel que lo hizo.
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Image of God Student

Image of God: Students

The most foundational truth of human life is that we’re created by God and created in His image. The Image of God study for Students takes teens on a journey from establishing a biblical understanding of the imago Dei to challenging them with truth that impacts the way they see and serve their neighbors. Using KNOW, GROW, and GO sections in the study, each week students will be exposed to the Bible's foundations for valuing all human life.
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Coming Soon - Image of God: Kids

Engaging in conversations about the value of life with your children is essential. However, finding the right words can be tricky. Our curriculum for kids is crafted to connect with their hearts and minds, encouraging them to stand for life.