
Gratitude Amidst the Overwhelming

Human DignityImage of God

In this season of Thanksgiving, we celebrate you. We celebrate your life. We also celebrate the Church and the ways God is enabling us to work together to advocate for the dignity of every person created in His image.

We are filled with overwhelming gratitude for the good work God has done and is continuing to do in the holistic life movement. We also recognize that there is still much work left to be done. Until every vulnerable person understands their inherent worth and dignity as human beings made in the image of God, and is treated as such, our work as the Church is not finished.

In a world that can often feel overwhelming, where we witness the brokenness of a fallen world in myriad ways, we hold on to the One we trust will one day make all things new. We pray and work towards seeing God’s kingdom come on earth more and more, as it is in heaven.

“I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart.”  Psalm 9:1

In the meantime, we give thanks to the Lord with our whole hearts (Psalm 9:1). The parts that grieve and are broken, the parts that are filled with joy and expectation, the parts that hope and the parts that are overwhelmed. With all our hearts, every time we remember you, we give thanks to the Lord for you, for our partners, for the Church, and for the good work that has been done and all that remains to be done knowing that He will be faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:3-6).