Take The PledgePledge
Image of God Student

Image of God: Student

Stand for Life Curriculum

The most foundational truth of human life is that we’re created by God and created in His image. The Image of God study for Students takes teens on a journey from establishing a biblical understanding of the imago Dei to challenging them with truth that impacts the way they see and serve their neighbors. Using KNOW, GROW, and GO sections in the study, each week students will be exposed to the Bible’s foundations for valuing all human life.

In each lesson, you will find 3 categories:
  • KNOW — Each lesson will begin by introducing to a concept found in Scripture that reveals the truth about God’s design and the value of human life. You will uncover what the Bible has to say about that concept and look at how God has revealed that truth in the world around you.
  • GROW — You will learn more about the concept that has been introduced at the beginning of the lesson. This will help you begin to process the challenges you face while living out the truths you’ve just uncovered in Scripture.
  • GO — Lastly, you will be challenged to be like Jesus to those who are hurting around you. You’ll take the truth you’ve gleaned about life and human dignity from Scripture that week and ask how you can begin to embody that truth and live it out in your daily life.