Choosing Life

What Are Biblical Perspectives of Life in the Womb?

Life Begins with God's Touch

Human DignityImage of God

From the very moment of conception, life begins with the touch of the Creator. In the womb, God is at work, knitting together a unique, precious human being, a reflection of His image. The biblical perspective on life in the womb is not merely a theological idea but a truth rooted in the very nature of God’s creation. It is more than an idea because it is an observable beauty. We see the child grow in the womb. Mother’s feel their child moving in the womb. There is physical evidence of God’s handiwork and care. 

Life is not accidental; it is designed, loved, and cherished by the One who forms it. 

Psalm 139 beautifully expresses this divine involvement in life’s earliest stages: “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14). These verses remind us that from the very beginning, life is sacred, carefully crafted by God’s hands. Even before the world recognizes this life, God knows and cherishes it. 

God’s Care for the Vulnerable: The Biblical Call to Protect

When there are repeated patterns throughout Scripture revealing the heart of God, we should pay attention. One of the most repeated aspects of God’s nature is his care and bent toward the vulnerable. This care is not limited to the preborn but extends to the elderly, widows, sojourner, orphans, and others who are often marginalized. Exodus 22:22 reminds us, “You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child,” emphasizing the importance of justice and protection for the vulnerable. 

The biblical call to protect life is also seen in the care for widows. James 1:27 states, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” This care for the vulnerable reflects the broader value placed on life, including life in the womb. Because God consistently calls His people throughout Scripture to protect the vulnerable, we can be confident that He deeply cares about how we respond. 

As Elizabeth Graham writes in Image of God, “We are not just against abortion, but we are for life. We must stand for life, from conception to natural death and everything in between.” The preborn child is so vulnerable, fully dependent on others for protection, and the biblical command is clear: care for all life, especially the defenseless. 

Biblical Examples of Life in the Womb 

The Bible offers several powerful examples that affirm life’s significance before birth. One of the most remarkable is found in the story of John the Baptist. When Mary was pregnant with Jesus and visited her cousin Elizabeth, something extraordinary happened. Elizabeth’s baby, still in the womb, responded to the presence of Jesus: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb” (Luke 1:41). This moment highlights that even before birth, John the Baptist recognized the holy presence of Christ. In some fundamental way, this interaction must infer that life in the womb holds value. A preborn child worshipped another preborn child, who was God, even in the womb. Both preborn children in the scene held value, because both were made in God’s Image. Jesus, notably, was made to be the fullest and most complete example of God’s image. 

Another powerful passage is found in Jeremiah 1:5, where God speaks to the prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” Here, we see that God’s relationship with Jeremiah began long before his birth. This scripture reveals that each life has purpose and meaning, known to God even before entering the world. 

Life in the Womb as Sacred and Precious

The biblical perspective on life in the womb is clear: it is sacred, intentional, and known by God. From the very beginning of life, God is intimately involved in its formation, and each preborn child is created with purpose and love. The Bible calls us to honor and protect life at all stages, including its earliest and vulnerable forms. 

Whether we are reflecting on the words of Psalm 139, the story of John the Baptist, or the commands to care for the vulnerable, the message is the same: life in the womb is a gift from God, and it is our calling to defend and cherish it. This is not merely a theological stance but a lived-out expression of our faith. Life in the womb is an observable beauty created by God, echoing the heart of the Creator who loves and knows each life intimately. 

This article goes along with the Image of God in the Preborn section of our study. Join us as we walk through our Image of God study over the next couple of months! 

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